All About Me! – Some Interesting Facts About The Staff Team At SLYC…


Lianne Rundell


Sports, Sports, Sports! I love football, I also play netball and enjoy watching American football, can you tell I like Sport

How Do You Feel With This Current Situation

I’ve been anxious and worried about my family as I can’t see them just now however; I try to be positive and know that if we all follow the guidelines, we will be back to normal soon

Favourite Animated Disney Character

OH that’s hard, I’m a big Disney fan and I love Nemo, Mickey, Simba and the Toy Story Gang but I think I’ll have to go with Donald Duck, he’s a little wild like me!

Favourite Band

The Osmonds (Ask your grandparents lol)

Favourite Film

Dirty Dancing, Rocketman, Mamma Mia, Coach Carter, Toy Story or I love a war time film, sorry too many to choose just one


Amy Alexander


Socialising with friends

How Do You Feel With This Current Situation

A little anxious! However happy knowing that it wont be for forever…

Favourite Animated Disney Character

I’ll have to go with PUMBA from the Lion King!!

Favourite Band

Queen! (secretly One Direction lol)

Favourite Film

Soppy but got to be Titanic!


Jason Lyttle


Anything with animals or music.

How Do You Feel With This Current Situation

I am worried and missing my friends and family but I know it has to be done for this to go away. Although my wee Nieces Facetime calls are getting me through. 

Favourite Animated Disney Character

Olaf who could not like Olaf

Favourite Band

Fleetwood Mac or Meatloaf, love ancient bands

Favourite Film



Becky Stewart


Anything upbeat and musical! (concerts, singing, listening to music)

How Do You Feel With This Current Situation

I’m feeling slightly uneasy as there is no way to control the future but also optimistic about when were all ungrounded!

Favourite Animated Disney Character

Dory from finding Nemo, she is hilarious!

Favourite Band

Pink Floyd

Favourite Film

Pulp Fiction


Carla Maguire


I love going for a long walk by the seaside or up a hill with my grumpy, fluffy little dog Sprocket. Also, I enjoy baking cakes and love making new creations – but I do end up eating them all! I love going to concerts and have been very lucky to see many bands including – Prodigy, Gerry Cinnamon, U2 and The Editors.

How Do You Feel With This Current Situation

I have been feeling a little worried about my family, but have been trying to keep my spirits up, as I know that I will see them all again soon. I have been trying to keep in contact with them through telephone calls and Face Time. Also, I have focusing on a keep fit activity, that I used to enjoy – yoga! It’s quite difficult, but good fun! 

Favourite Animated Disney Character

There are far too many great Disney characters – I love Lumiere, Sebastian, Timon and Pumba, Baloo, Mufasa and so many more.

Favourite Band

Take That (ask the older members of your family!)

Favourite Film

The Greatest Showman

Get in Touch

Girl and Phone